We all want to be healthy. Max-Well exists to help you reach that goal.
It all started when we discovered research done by Dr. Maynard Murray. He injected carcinogens into 400 white lab mice. 200 got cancer, and 200 didn't. What made the difference? The 200 that didn't get cancer were fed a diet grown with sea minerals.
Dr. Murray did numerous other animal experiments where he fed them crops grown with sea minerals.
• Rats didn't get eye disease (the control group did)
• Rabbits didn't get hypertension (the control group did)
• Other disease problems vanished in chickens and rats, and pigs stopped rooting
Peach trees that were fertilized with sea minerals didn't get curly leaf virus, turnips didn't get center rot, tomatoes didn't get mosaic virus. The control groups all did.
What prompted Dr. Murray to experiment with sea minerals? After performing autopsies on various sea creatures he discovered zero disease in the ocean, while similar species of fish living in lakes and streams were riddled with disease. Dr. Murray believed there was no disease in the ocean because sea plants and sea animals live in a perfectly balanced mineral environment. Sadly, many of the trace minerals found in the ocean are no longer available to plants growing on land. It is our mission to make the health giving properties of sea minerals available to help people, plants and animals experience a higher level of health.
Please visit our website for more information.