Mav6 is an aerospace and defense technology company committed to discovering the different ideas that matter to our military and our society. Founded in 2007, Mav6 develops rapidly-conceived, integrated technology platforms for a wide range of defense and security applications. Our development approach emphasizes the novel adaptation of emerging and legacy technologies as the basis for low-cost, high-performance solutions to the “wicked” problems in national security.
We are veteran technologists, strategists, analysts, scientists, engineers, and developers dedicated to helping those operating at the edge of our security challenges -- edgefighters -- by designing and delivering systems of capabilities to meet the diverse challenges of the modern threat environment.
Our mission is to harness the power of design and open innovation to rapidly deliver solutions where and when they are needed most; to set a new standard in the aerospace and defense industry through cost effective and transparent ways of working; and to champion the principles of design thinking to mitigate the full spectrum of global security challenges.
HQ Location
4075 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 430
Arlington, VA 22203, US
Novel adaptation of emerging and legacy technologiesLow-cost, high-performance solutionsDesign and open innovationCost-effective and transparent ways of workingMitigation of global security challenges
Integrated technology platformsSystems of capabilitiesRapidly-delivered solutions
IntelligenceSurveillanceReconnaissance; Electronic Warfare; Test and Evaluation; Modeling and Simulation; Research and Development