MATTER are the service design consultancy that helps you take advantage of the massive opportunity artificial intelligence is providing.
We focus on delivering customer experiences that are powered by Artificial Intelligence. We do this because we believe that Artificial Intelligence is the future of the web. Think 'Search Engine Optimisation' in 1997 or 'Mobile' in 2007.
Some of our projects include:
– Conversational mobile apps.
Mobile apps are going to change again. Natural Language processing together with dialogue technologies are changing the way you can find, choose and buy from your device. Our conversational apps make highly complex situations simple and personal.
– Chatvertising solutions.
Our Chatvertising solution is the forefront of 21st Century marketing. By engaging with customers in their channel on their terms delivering genuine value we create leads and advocates.
– Redefining E-commerce.
Intelligent eCommerce starts and ends with your customers. At every point of the buying cycle AI can create a hyper personalised experience to drive conversion.
This isn’t the future. It’s available now and the huge upward impact on conversion rates of intelligent E-commerce is not yet recognised by your competitors.
– Automating the call centre.
We are replacing call centre agents with virtual agents. Including Intelligent FAQs, Fully automated Live chat and TotalAgent our approach to automating call centres is to deliver a team of intelligent agents that can outperform even your best people.
Ask us to come in and carry our a cognitive opportunity assessment to find the AI customer experience opportunities in your business.