Massimo Alba specializes in Retail Apparel and Fashion with 11 employees
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About Massimo Alba
The company was born in Milan in 2006.
That was the year when Massimo decided to give his wife something he considered as essential for a woman’s wardrobe: a blue peacot, a coat in a camel color, three knits made in pure cashmere, three pants.
That present became the collection he showed the same year in New York.
In 2007 he opened the showroom in via Corsico 8 in Milan: 350 metres of open space to present the collections by hosting clients and making them feel as if they were at home, season after season.
Right from the beginning, the company has received high international recognition on all the markets that have chosen and bought the collection.
The personal connection with objects and memories, study and attention to detail are perceived inside Massimo Alba’s boutiques. The first opening was in Milano, Via Brera 8, and the same concept is recreated inside historical Palazzo Lacellotti in Rome in 2014. In 2017, the opening of the first seasonal store in Liguria, in Sestri Levante, followed by the store opening in Courmayeur.