Martínez Echevarría Lawyers

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Set up in 1983 as a law firm focused on professional quality and excellency. Currently, these qualities are still the main pillars based on which the professional law firm was forged, a firm which was always recognized for their strong commitment with the client´s objectives and desires. The current team is composed by more than 325 professionals, which makes Martínez-Echevarría Lawyers a modern firm, completely adapted and prepared, to give a response to the most demanding needs of the professional firms and businesses, operating both in Spain and Portugal.  Additionally, the department for individual clients, was set to give a service, because even if they are not companies, they require us for their family and person al matters, offering them quality legal services, adapted to their condition, and this can be found in Martínez-Echevarría Lawyers.
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Príncipe de Vergara 38, 6º planta. Madrid, Madrid 28001, ES
Derecho PenalDerecho LaboralDerecho Tributario y FiscalDerecho MercantilGolden Visa Residency Permit in Spain & PortugalDemandas por cláusulas bancarias abusivasAsesoría jurídica a empresasand Derecho de Familia: divorcios y separaciones
  • Príncipe de Vergara 38, 6º planta. Madrid, Madrid 28001, ES
  • Centro de Negocios Puerta de Banús, bloque D, 1ª planta C.N. 340, Km. 175 Marbella, Malaga 29660, ES
  • Calle Bolsa 1, 1ª planta Málaga, Málaga 29005, ES
  • Plaza Isabel La Católica, 7. 2ºD Granada, Granada 18009, ES
  • Avenida Ronda de los Tejares, 32. Esc. 1, 3º-2ª Córdoba, Córdoba 14001, ES

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