Marker Management Consulting

Marker Management Consulting specializes in Investment Banking with 11 employees
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About Marker Management Consulting
Marker was built from the idea that there would be room for a specialized and original strategy and organization consulting firm, thinking and realizing outside the box and knowing how to help its clients give meaning to their development and make their innovations come true. Since 2006, Marker has occupied an atypical position whose success is based on the satisfaction and trust of its clients; that of a specialist in the asset management sector in general and investment services in particular. We fundamentally believe that advice becomes effective when it is tailor-made, and of high quality when it is the result of critical consultation between experienced consultants. Marker has therefore chosen to structure itself around a team of consultants who are all specialists in the sector and have the business expertise and professional skills that we want to be varied and complementary from the moment of recruitment, enriched by our high value-added internal exchanges, in order to offer know-how adapted to all our clients’ needs. Our engineering as well as our energy are permanently put at the service of our clients’ strategic and operational projects. Our slogan, “better anticipate, take action, comply and think smart than be sorry“, covers everything we wish to bring to our clients: anticipate the levers, opportunities or difficulties that emerge in their context, take the necessary strategic and operational decisions, implement them while complying with the applicable regulatory environment. This is how Marker today advises all the players in the investment services supply chain, at all stages of their development: setting up a company, streamlining or extending activities, expanding internationally or setting up in France.
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Investment Banking
HQ Location
6 rue de Téhéran Paris, 75008, FR
fintechsociétés de gestiobanques privéesctifs numériquesCGPintermédiaires d'assuranceentreprises d'investissementprestataires de services d'investissementbrokerstables de négociatio
Marker Management Consulting Location
  • 6 rue de Téhéran Paris, 75008, FR

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Marker Management Consulting specializes in the Investment Banking field

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Marker Management Consulting specializes in the Investment Banking field