The MMOA aims to work with professional, experienced and newly qualified MMOs and PAM operators, industry, government agencies, non-government organisations (NGOs) and academics to improve the profession's effectiveness by:
馃惉 Developing professional competency.
馃惉 Improving collection and use of data.
馃惉 Assimilating field experience and knowledge of MMOs.
馃惉 Providing a collective voice for MMOs.
馃惉 Promoting the MMO profession in the offshore industry.
馃惉 Improving protection for marine mammals.
MMOA seek to achieve this through:
馃惉 Attendance at relevant conferences and meetings by MMOA spokespersons to represent MMO interests.
馃惉 Recognising the skills of professional MMOs, MMO managers and associated consultants and providing MMOs with career development opportunities and advice.
馃惉 Encouraging feedback from professional and experienced MMOs and PAM Operators through an online MMO forum.
馃惉 Providing a point of contact for advice and consultation on marine mammal mitigation issues, feedback on improving/reviewing guidelines and MMO data collection.
馃惉 Improving knowledge of members through an Information Directory
馃惉 Working to encourage and promote the systematic collection, collation and analysis of offshore MMO data worldwide.
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