Who we are.
Axiant is a leading national provider of financial services and recovery management solutions for issuers and investors in debt products.
Our mission.
We deliver our clients better financial outcomes on non-performing assets…while earning attractive returns for our investors and a great place to work for our associates.
Our value proposition.
Higher net recoveries and ease of doing business…enabled by “onlyAXIANT” operating scale, technology, process excellence and analytics.
Our business model.
A unique structure that combines a core financial services, business process outsourcing enterprise and a strategic relationship with Mann Bracken, LLP in combination to serve our common clients.
Our client partners.
Market leading issuers of - and investors in - debt products and portfolios.
Our strategic alliance with Mann Bracken LLP.
Mann Bracken LLP, a national law firm that combines (via recent merger) 3 of the top 5 law firms specializing in the practice of collections and creditors' rights law. Mann Bracken LLP and Axiant work in concert to serve our common clients.
Our investors.
Accretive LLC, a highly regarded private equity firm with an outstanding track record of investments in business process outsourcing.
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