Manhattan Review India started its operations in April 2008 in Himayath nagar, Hyderabad, India in association with Manhattan Review, New York, USA. Over the past 5 years, we have evolved to be the leading test prep company training students on courses such as GMAT, GRE, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, PTE and recently we ventured into the banking sector in India. We are undoubtedly the number one company for the test prep needs as far as GMAT, GRE, SAT and ELP are concerned. We look to take this momentum forward in making a mark in the banking sector while foraying into various sectors across the education domain. By 2013 we have grown to be a company with 10 branch offices across south India.
We have also established ourselves as the leading admissions consulting firm. Our students are represented in MBA Programs at schools such as Harvard, Wharton, LBS, Duke, UNCC, ISB and many other top schools across the globe.
We are young, hungry and have a strong desire to make an impact in the test prep industry. The prospects for career in Manhattan are huge as we are still in the nascent stages and we feel that we have not even scratched the surface yet.