The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation aims to contribute to the flourishing of the United States and Israel as just, inclusive, compassionate and democratic societies, and to improve the quality of life in both countries. The Mandel Foundation–Israel conducts educational and social leadership training programs in order to cultivate outstanding, visionary leaders for all sectors of Israeli society, through the work of the following units:
• Mandel School for Educational Leadership (Jerusalem)
• Mandel Leadership Institute (Jerusalem)
• Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev (Beer Sheva)
• Mandel Center for Leadership in the North (Tivon)
• Mandel Graduate Unit (Jerusalem)
Current programs of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation–Israel include the Mandel School for Educational Leadership; leadership programs for the ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) community; a youth leadership program; a program for leadership in Jewish culture; a program for academic leadership in teacher education; an educational leadership program for the IDF; a program for leadership in Negev culture; regional leadership programs for the Gaza border communities and the Bedouin sector in Israel’s south; social and regional leadership programs for Israel’s northern region; and a program for leadership for public service in the North.
The Foundation’s graduates in Israel play key roles in formal and non-formal education, non-profit organizations, national and local authorities, academia, the ultra-Orthodox community, Jewish and Israeli culture, and the Israel Defense Forces. They include Knesset members, heads of local authorities, Education Ministry officials, senior officers of the IDF, civil servants, directors of non-profits, school principals, and social entrepreneurs throughout Israel’s diverse society.