Manchester Services

Telecommunications · 2 Employees
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Manchester’s Calling Name (“CNAM”) Management Service (“CNAM-MS”) is but one example of Manchester’s innovative call-enhancement technology. CNAM-MS provides users the ability to manage the content and form of Caller-ID information delivered to called parties. CNAM-MS clients can manage Caller-ID information on a nearreal-time basis so as to effectively represent their own client-interests and better meet with FCC and FTC "no-call" rules. As an example, consider the possibilities of changing the Caller-ID delivered to called-parties as your telemarketing agents switch from one campaign to another, informing called-parties that you are representing the local law enforcement agencies at one moment (e.g., “Sheriff’s Law Fund”) and a major financial retailer at another (e.g., “Citigroup”). Research shows that consumers choose to answer the phone when they are provided some amount of information related to the calling-party. Never again endanger your marketing campaign by leaving to chance the possibility that your call is heralded as “unknown caller” or “out of region caller” – instead, specifically identify the information that will introduce you and your call to your targeted party and your answer penetration rate will benefit accordingly.
Year Founded
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HQ Location
2977 Highway K Box 267 O'Fallon, MO 63368, US
Calling Name Management Service and Regulatory Compliance
  • 2977 Highway K Box 267 O'Fallon, MO 63368, US

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