Man Up Tasmania (MUT) is a grassroots Tasmanian wellbeing organisation. MUT aims to build understanding, capacity and competency of community. Our events and programs empower self-sustaining communities, connecting interventions and services to those in distress.
Our vision is to see, hear and feel a positive shift in culture and perception of well-being across all of Tasmania by the year 2030.
What do we stand for?
Simply put, we work to continue the conversation. We want to collaborate with our community for a sustainable future for the Tasmanian community. We believe that our current mental health system needs support from community; and individuals and organisations can courageously take ownership of their own challenges and environments. We are passionate about what we do, and we are bold in acting with integrity.
What do we work toward?
We support funding community led programs that tackle some of the great challenges impacting our Tasmanian communities. Every initiative that Man Up Tasmania establishes is built to create capacity and ownership, so champions in our community can arm themselves with tools to make an impact that reverberates around their circles. We spark the conversation, engage the stakeholders, build the capacity; and let the community magic make the impact.