MAINGREEN CAPITAL PARTNERS is a Private Equity firm investing in SMEs and lower mid-market companies in value chains with material environmental footprints – e.g., buildings, consumer goods, energy, food, and mobility – and in activity sectors throughout the different value-adding stages of the economy – e.g., land & water, heavy-industry, manufacturing, technology, and waste – to drive sustainable growth.
We invest in and support businesses on their SUSTAINABLE TRANSITION path, as they transform and grow to conquer and sustain a strategic position in the respective value chains, while substantially contributing to impactful SCIENCE-BASED ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES and to an economy aligned with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The world faces an IMPERATIVE CHALLENGE posed by the risk of large-scale abrupt or irreversible environmental changes occurring at a planetary scale. As the IPCC’s sixth assessment report shows, should we fail to act now and GHG emissions continue to rise unabated, warming could climb to between 3.3°C and 5.7°C above preindustrial levels by the end of the century. This would be catastrophic.
Rapid, immediate, and economy-wide actions are required to keep the environment within the sustainable limits that allow humanity to develop and thrive for generations to come. The TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE of society and the economy will be systemic, fostered by regulation, driven by technology, and led by the combined actions of communities, consumers, employees, corporations, and financial institutions.
For businesses, ignoring the accelerating sustainable transition is not an option. Leading it, including via clear transition plans that include measurable interim goals on credible climate and environmental action, is a major BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY to capitalise on.