MainSail Data, Inc. is owned and operated by Dale Leatherman, a life-long resident of Vero Beach, Florida. Dale has spent the better part of his life building trust in the community as well as striving to be the most capable information consultant in the area. He has spent over two decades writing and architecting software for computing systems - giving him a sound advantage and a different perspective on the typical problems that arise in our industry.
Our focus is and always has been positioning our customers with the best value regarding technology purchases as well as providing sound direction to accomplish their goals.
Our office, although warm and cheerful, is packed full of state-of-the-art servers, diagnostic tools, data-recovery, backup systems, and talent - in short, everything we need to deliver the reliable products and services you or your business deserves.
Our server technologies are primarily Microsoft. MainSail Data has the capabilities of hosting a variety of business class services and applications. Our repair shop is equipped with state-of-the-art repair benches.
Our systems prevent problems as well as protect them from falling through "the cracks." If your business could benefit from this type of management - ask us about it.