M.I.M. Greater Noida present campus is situated at 18 kms from New Delhi and is surrounded by 5.19 acres of green lawns and trees, thus providing a very suitable and nourishing environment for the development of student managers. The spacious hostel rooms and dining halls can comfortably accommodate up to 300 students. There are 10 large air-conditioned classrooms and numerous seminar and conference rooms.
A new campus is nearby completion on 5.19 acre land in knowledge park 3 at Greater Noida, which has been built according to the the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda -- Vastu Vidya -- to ensure a successful and productive learning environment in harmony with Natural Law, which promotes the wholesome development of the student's personality -- physical, intellectual, and creative.
Well stocked with a wide range of management and computer literature, the library is one of the focal points of the Institute. An excellent selection of Indian and foreign journals and periodicals in functional and general areas maintains up-to-date exposure. The library subscribes to almost all the major newspapers, magazines, and periodicals for keeping the students well informed about the business environment world-wide. The Institute has access to a virtual library, which makes instantly available to students a vast collection of business journals from around the world.
Syndicate Room and Seminar Halls
These are some of the most dynamic and interactive facilities on the campus with the latest audio and video conferencing facilities. Regular guest lectures and industrial seminars are organised by the students in the Seminar Hall, which have video conferencing system, video recorder , video camera overhead, slide and video projectors with large screens and other audio-visual equipment. These facilities are utilised for the group discussions and presentations of the students and also for the two-way live video-conferencing with the international faculty, other M.I.M.s and business leaders around the world.
Computer Centre
A well established computer lab with 60 LAN (Local Area Network) workstations exists. The computers has access to variety of the latest management software and user-friendly packages, including simulation package (Marketing, Finance, HRM), office productivity suites, plus compilers and Database Management software packages.
M.I.M. Maharishi Nagar is connected to RF dedicated leased line, which enables students to access the latest state-of-the-art business information. It also plays a vital role in co-ordinating with the international professors and research. Each student has access to e-mail through internet.
Maharishi Institute of Management
Plot No. – 19, Knowledge Park - III,
Greater Noida - 201310 (U.P.)
Tel.: 0120- 2323655, 2323666
Fax No.0120-2323676