Municipal authorities of the Statutory City of Brno, Czech Republic
Under Act No. 128/2000 coll. on municipalities, Brno is a statutory city. It is divided into 29 city districts. The supreme body in area of autonomous powers is the General Assembly of the City of Brno, in city districts it is the City District General Assembly. Mayor stands in the lead of the City Hall.
The executive body in area of autonomous powers on the city level is the 11-member City Council led by the Mayor and his Deputy Mayors. The superior of all City Hall’s employees is the Chief Executive Officer who fulfils the function of a statutory employer under specific provisions.
The City Hall’s management is divided into 5 sections. Heads of sections lead the assigned departments. Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic by population and area, the largest city in Moravia and former Capital of Moravia. Brno has a population of approx. 380,000 and its metropolitan area has about 600,000 inhabitants.