Made in Jerusalem (MadeinJLM) is an non-profit organization that connects and promotes the tech & startup community of Jerusalem, the capital of the Startup Nation. MadeinJLM provides a platform that connects the thousands of entrepreneurs and hundreds of startups, R&D centers, service providers, investors, accelerators and academic institutes in Jerusalem.
MadeinJLM was founded in 2012 by Hanan Brand, Uriel Shuraki and Roy Munin and boasts a forum of Jerusalem’s tech ecosystem leaders, who are all working together in order to build the innovative future of Jerusalem.
MadeinJLM’s database and online platforms enable the thousands of entrepreneurs and more than 500 startups innovating in the city, the opportunity to contribute, connect, participate in events, find jobs, partners and mentors, and become an integral part of one of the most connected and supportive tech communities in the world, a city that has been innovating for the last 3000 years.