Our aim is to improve long term athletic development by encouraging a balance of age appropriate sports skills and other activities.
Skills are the foundation on which every sport is played. What has been learned about development is that order matters. It is important to learn certain skills first to help prepare for more challenging skills later. Ability is not the only hurdle in this either. Some age groups and body types should focus on certain skills while they are most receptive. Bodies and brains develop differently. We need to make sure we're focusing on the right skills. This will yield better returns than logging hours focusing on the skills our minds and bodies aren't ready for.
While skills development is very important it is only a part of the equation. Basic running, jumping and flexibility are also factors in an athletes performance and should be given just as much focus. These behaviors can be accomplished by simple activities, games and other sports. Participating in a wide variety of activities helps build a more well rounded athlete.