CyberSem makes post-secondary education possible for young women, mothers and working women for whom a traditional education environment isn’t feasible. We are pleased to:
✽ Offer you online seminary courses in a variety of Torah subjects
✽ Provide an online format that resolves the dilemma of not having enough physical places for women to learn, as well as the geographical obstacles that can hinder a woman from attending a traditional in-person school.
✽ Meet the needs of a variety of learning styles by utilizing multiple teaching techniques through collaborative and other higher thinking methods in addition to traditional lecture-based instruction.
At CyberSem we aim to provide you with a challenging, comprehensive learning experience in a supportive Torah environment. Our curriculum is geared toward the future Akeres Habayis, Shlucha and Teacher in this last generation of Galus and first generation of Geulah. Students benefit from a variety of stimulating classes in Tanach, Halacha and Education, as well as other electives.
Higher Rewards…
Benefit from the mitzvah of opening up the world of advanced Judaic studies to more women, enabling them to fulfill their spiritual needs while improving employability.
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View CyberSem Introduction playlist at Youtube for more information