The Macedonian Academyof Sciences and Arts was established by the Macedonian Assembly on February the 2nd 1967 as the highest scientific, scholarly and artistic institution in the country with the aim of monitoring and stimulating the sciences and arts.
The Academy's objectives are to survey the cultural heritage and natural resources, to assist in the planning of a national policy regarding the sciences and arts, to stimulate, co-ordinate, organise and conduct scientific and scholarly research and to promote artistic achievement, especially where they are particularly relevant to the Republic of Macedonia.
The Academy facilitates scholarly, scientific and artistic endeavour on the part of its members and encourages the use of the most up-to-date methodology and scientific information and the results of the latest research. It also works on developing international co-operation in the fields of the sciences and arts.
As an independent scientific and artistic institution, the Academy achieves these objectives by basic, developmental and applied research, comprehensive and inter-disciplinary research projects, by organising scientific and scholarly conferences and symposia, by publishing the results of the scientificand artistic research and by organising events in the field of the arts.