MVM NET Telecommunications Service Provider Ltd., as a member of the MVM Group, is a modern, high capacity and extremely reliable telecommunications service provider.
MVM Hungarian Electricity Ltd’s telecommunications activity is originating from their support of the electrical power system management activities. The increased demand in capacity in this area made it necessary to upgrade the telecommunications network. As a result of these developments, a modern, high capacity and exceptionally reliable system was put in place consisting of passive (optical backbone) and active (transmission and IP equipment) components with considerable surplus capacity. The system, which perfectly fulfils the telecommunications requirements of the transmission and system management authorization activities, fully meets market expectations.
The operational model of the 100% MVM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. owned electronic communications subsidiary, MVM NET Ltd. is based on the following pillars:
• Electricity system related telecommunications activities
• Government related telecommunications activities
• Public and business related electronic communications services
In the history of MVM NET Ltd., the successful conclusion of the first phase of the National Network Development Project is a significant milestone. Since the launch of the National Telecommunications Backbone Network (NTG) at the end of 2012, state-owned organizations have been providing electronic communications services to state institutions. MVM NET Ltd., utilizing the free capacity of its telecommunications backbone network, provides telecommunications services to its government and business clients.
A wide range of electronic communications services can be formed on MVM NET Ltd.’s telecommunications network:
• Leased line data transfer services
• Exclusive leased line data transfer solutions: VPN based data transfer
• Multimedia signal transit
• Internet access service