The M-Teampannon Architect and Engineer Offfice founded in the early '90s forms common atelier of young architects and Ybl-prized leader architects,
set itself in the hi-ranked field of the architect offices in the last decade. Architectural projecting of urban complexes, mid- and largescale public buildings, institutions of higher education has made our name well-known.
Long-lasting values, clear and consistent structure, environmental integration in use of materials and forms, cultural-formal individuality are some of our principles. We are searching for the spatial order from urban scale to interior details equally.
Our main accomplished works are Semmelweis Educational and Research Center, the Hungarian University of Transylvania in Târgu Mureş (Marosvásárhely, Ro.), the Debrecen University Life Science Building and Library, the MOM Park Residential Block and the Hungarian Design Center.
The spectrum of our activity expands from environment- and urban planning, through complex architectural design, to heritage reconstructions and interior design concepts. The build-up of our office enables us to answer composite architectural questions. In cases, we invite specialists and artists.
During the projecting phase instead of formal pre-concepts we follow the rules of urban structure and environmental pliancy, the principles of architectural concepting and constructional guidelines to provide harmony between making and preserving values.
Our architects build their individual approachment on common philosophy, to make our drafts and buildings within personality to act on closer and wider environmental coherency.
Architecture and Planning, Building inspection and control services, Research and testing, IT, Internet, R&D, Quality control services, Architects, Technical offices and engineering consultancies, architects, Civil engineering and building industry consultants
HQ Location
Veres Pálné u. 7.
Budapest, 1053, HU