Since 1969 MRB Hellas A.E. has contributed significantly to the development of Market Research and Insights in Greece, always holding one of the two leading positions in the industry, both in terms of Size and Investment in terms of Knowledge and Innovation, approaching the Greek Society and the Market in a highly penetrating way, offering actionable and effective solutions that meet the needs of Clients, Brands , Media (classical and digital) and Social and Institutional Institutions.
The share map of MRB Hellas A.E. is structured by one of the largest Greek Management Consulting Groups (PRC Group - The Management House). In addition, the Company has ensured the exclusive cooperation for Greece of R.I.S.C. (Research Institute on Socio-cultural Change) and Walker Information (Stakeholders Satisfaction Measurements).
The above relationships and collaborations ensure the expansion of the Company's activities beyond the boundaries of Market Research and Social Research in the direction of providing Consulting Services. MRB Hellas A.E. Relying on specialized know-how, innovation in thinking and the ability to locate accurately and insightfully the required "insights / ideas" participates in the strategic decisions of its customers, reducing the Decision Making Risk to their social and business goals.
In addition, they provide the opportunity to MRB Hellas A.E. not only to implement projects in Greece that meet the needs of Multinational Customers but also to coordinate and complete projects abroad in more than 60 Countries for Greek clients.
Our specialization extends from the relief depiction of the evolution of Greek Society (Consumer, Political, Cultural and Mass Media) to the participation in the design of Successful Brands / Services and the measurability of the effectiveness of the respective Communication, Marketing and Management strategies. In addition, in recent years MRB Hellas has been active in the HX sector (CX, EX, LX, IX and TX) very effectively.