2022 is an exciting year, marking 10 years of Kevin & Van Pty Ltd (7 years trading at Physio Essentials & Pilates Studio, then the expansion and transition to 'Movement Essentials' in the middle of the COVID pandemic in 2020) . The re-location and expansion that resulted in a brand that goes well beyond our previous Clinical Physiotherapy and Pilates service options.
Movement Essentials is located in Prestons and has been designed as a health studio that boasts a refreshed Physiotherapy department, both curtained and private treatment spaces, an expanded Pilates Studio, offices that house additional health & well-being services and our purpose-built ME Training Zone (strength gym).
Our vision is to have people prioritising self-awareness and self-care, whereby we vow to influence the community to prioritise longevity in health, well-being and quality of life, in a positive and sustainable manner. Our role is to empower and guide our clients to be equipped with the tools, knowledge and confidence to be in control of their movement capabilities and we achieve this with a person-cantered approach.
Our services are focused on biomechanics, functional movement and building self awareness alongside efficient, effective and pain-free movement patterns. We are invested in creating long term solutions, by empowering you to find value and enjoyment in being active and strong.
You can expect us to be proactive in our communication and approach with attention to detail on all fronts. We are skilled and competent with complex cases, youth movement mechanics, and experienced in supporting everyday people get back to their everyday tasks.
We pride ourselves on our ability to progress clients through a continuum from analysis and diagnosis to education and empowerment, movement awareness and (re)training, strength and conditioning, right through to prevention and active maintenance strategies.