We believe that there is unity in diversity, that we are better together, and that peace is the only way forward.
MOSAIC Adelaide is a community organisation primarily run by young people, for young people with the aim of generating funds for youth and intercultural projects in South Australia.
Established in 2017 as ‘Cultural Night’, a multicultural fundraising event of the Adelaide University Rotaract Club, MOSAIC Adelaide has grown to new heights in order to have more impact, and make a larger difference in the lives of others.
An inclusive South Australia empowering our diverse cultures to support humanity.
To stage cultural events with its partners, which showcase South Australia’s interculturalism and cultural diversity in a peaceful, inclusive way.
Our objects are to:
• Hold an event every year on or near the International Day of Peace;
• Encourage interculturalism;
• Select at least one charity each year to be the recipient of surplus funds;
• Deliver initiatives, services and support for culturally and linguistically diverse communities in South Australia;
• Other activities as the Board may determine from time to time.