The Modular Energy System Architecture Standards (MESA) Alliance is an industry association comprised of electric utilities and technology suppliers whose mission is to accelerate the growth of energy storage through the development of open and non-proprietary communication specifications for energy storage systems. Members include a growing list of leading utilities and energy storage solution providers who work together to build interoperability into their respective products and ensure they are architected for grid system integration.
MESA publishes open, non-proprietary specifications and information models that enable utilities, software developers, and hardware manufacturers to achieve interoperability among grid-scale energy storage components, as well as between utility control centers and energy storage systems. All MESA specifications are free to download and available at
Join us in transforming the energy storage market.
As a MESA member you can:
- Contribute to the MESA Standard: Participate in MESA working groups to guide the development of MESA specifications and ensure your energy storage solutions are architected for integration with other MESA conformant devices.
- Participate in workshops: Learn how to incorporate MESA specifications into your products and/or control systems, and share your own lessons learned along the way with other MESA members
- Signal your support for open standards to your customer and/or suppliers
- Share knowledge with your peers: Attend and participate in webinars to share and learn about the latest developments in grid codes and MESA specifications
To learn more about how MESA is advancing the adoption of energy storage technologies, or to inquire about becoming a MESA member, visit or e-mail