MEDIATE Art Group is a San Francisco-based 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization creating innovative art and music experiences through the activation of people, places and environments. Through live exhibitions and events, MEDIATE’s mission is to inspire local and nationally-recognized artists, and audiences to look deep into ideas and works critically, imaginatively and without limitation. Artist participation and collaborations have also reached across the United States and Canada as well as Portugal, United Kingdom, Belgium, Norway, Singapore, France, Costa Rica, Austria, Australia and Japan bringing new insights to local communities and neighborhoods. Founded in 1998, MEDIATE has been showcasing provocative works to Bay Area audiences for over 10 years including five seasons of the acclaimed avant-art and music program and biennial festival, Soundwave, that explore the infinite connections through sound. ( (2002-present). Previously, MEDIATE was the mastermind behind The.ME.Project, exploring the evolving human condition ( (1998-2002).