Mc Analytxs,

Hospitals and Health Care · 11 Employees
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MC AnalyTXs, Inc. (MCA) was founded in 1995 in Houston, Texas. Since then MCA's client list has grown to include many of the largest teaching hospitals in the country. MCA's Medicare Review Project has recovered millions of dollars in underpayments for these hospitals. At the core of this project is MCA's proprietary computer system which identifies differences so accurately and so thoroughly that clients asked us to apply our expertise and create a system that reaches beyond Medicare inpatients and outpatients to include all government and managed care Payors. The AnalyTXs AllPayor System is a result of this collaboration. The AnalyTXs AllPayor System design goals were simple. Create a system that is functionally rock-solid, fast, accurate, easy to use, accessible through the web with no user capital outlay, intuitive, totally point and click, built on Oracle - the best database in the world, HIPAA secure, and capable of modeling all of the contract terms a United, Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana, CIGNA, Medicare, Medicaid or any other plan can throw at it. This is simply the best, most well designed, robust, user-friendly system available today…period. Business Intelligence Business Intelligence is the key to controlling processes and improving revenue. Model new or revised Payor proposals against your own data in minutes. You don't need to be a programmer to do it; you don't even need to call us, unless you want to brag about the model you just built. If you decide you don't like the impact of that new Payor proposal on your bottom line, tweak the terms and create your own counter-proposal in minutes. This is a powerful, interactive management business intelligence tool. You can identify and recoup many times our monthly service fee in claim payment errors, which means the modeling, automated period-end contractual adjustment support, profitability analysis, and other business intelligence features are free.
Year Founded
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Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
3535 Briarpark Dr 109 Houston, Texas 77042, US
Contract ModelingUnderpayment/Denial Management Reporting & ReviewPatient Pricing Estimation using 270/271 Electronic DatContractual Allowance & Cost ReportingCompliance Auditing
  • 3535 Briarpark Dr 109 Houston, Texas 77042, US

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