Mawared Industries S.A.E

International Trade and Development · 51 Employees
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MAWARED Steel Trading, Stocking & Distribution company with an integrated Steel Service Center company founded in 2014 , a fast track progress achiever for a reliable and reputable position among steel & engineering firms in Egypt, as a result of experienced, knowledgeable and prestigious team in the steel Strategically located in Cairo, Egypt where is an important geographical location connecting three continents, MAWARED has established solid relationships with the world's first class steel mills , providing top quality steel products to the clients for various engineering sectors and industries such as Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Transport & Rail, Automotive, Household appliances, Mining and Agricultural sectors across the continents. Business scope of knowledgeable financing & technical multilingual team of Mawared brings the resilience to offer a unique multicultural work schemes and a professional profile of outstanding engineering solutions of iron & steel trading which is key to our success over the past few years based on the Knowledge, Experience and Ethics. Mawared also trades in non-ferrous metals and minerals, such as rock phosphate, silica sand, and talc, capitalizing on Egypt's rich mineral resources. Our supply portfolio is constantly expanding to meet client demand. Mawared's Sustainable team of engineers and consultants is committed to preserving the environment and creating a cleaner energy future through diversified energy management solutions. Our projects include biogas plants, solar energy plants, wind energy, and waste-to-energy initiatives. We've built a solid understanding of client's demand to meet their expectations in every region we serve, focusing on the supply and demand requirements of each territory and overcoming challenges to facilitate the business according to international trade laws, with on-time delivery according to agreed schedule.
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International Trade and Development
HQ Location
Mawared Industries, 5 Shohdaa Al Mohandesen, Gazirat Mit Oqbah, Agouza, Giza Governorate 3752530 Giza, Egypt, EG
Steel TradingRenewable & Sustainable EnergySteel Service CenterLogistics OperationsMachinery SupplyDiverse Financing ApproachesBiogas Plantsand Solar Energy
  • Mawared Industries, 5 Shohdaa Al Mohandesen, Gazirat Mit Oqbah, Agouza, Giza Governorate 3752530 Giza, Egypt, EG

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