M4 is a specialty recruiting and staffing resource that provides customized workforce solutions. Our expertise is in placing Engineering and Skilled Industrial candidates.
We realize that in order to be a high performing business, you need a high performing workforce. M4 stands ready to put our experienced staff to work for you. By utilizing the latest in job search technologies, and a continually developed network of candidates, we believe we can deliver the results you need.
Our staff experience spans 4 decades, and combines recruiting skills, candidate search capabilities, and industry specific experience. Our goal is to get to know our clients, and acquire job specific criteria to assist us in finding the right candidate for the right job. Beyond the technical skills required, we are also keenly aware of other candidate attributes that are important to our clients; personality, job fit, industry background, and communication styles to mention a few.
Staffing and Recruiting
HQ Location
11427 Reed Hartman Hwy
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241, US
Engineering and Skilled Industrial recruitmentCandidate search capabilitiesIndustry specific experiencePersonality and job fit assessmentCommunication style evaluation
Customized workforce solutionsJob search technologiesIndustry specific experience
Providing specialized workforce solutionsEngineering and Office Professional Staffing/RecruitingRecruitingStaffingTalent Acquisitio