The LSRS is an institution of higher education and research founded in 2015. It focuses on the relationship between religion and society as an ongoing, tense, complex, and transformative process of dialogue and mutual enrichment. In other words: the conjunction “and” in the School’s name is its theme and program.
Its foundational questions are: “How can one be(come) a religious person in our pluralist postmodern society?”, and “How can religions make a contribution to contemporary ethical, social, and political challenges in a globalized world?”.
As a theological institution, it involves religious communities in the elaboration of possible answers. It develops its research and teaching by bringing into dialogue the religious heritage, i.e., sources, rites, traditions, on one hand, and contemporary life experience, on the other hand, referring to philosophy, humanities, and natural sciences as hermeneutical tools.
Working in collaboration with the other religious communities that signed an agreement with the State, it offers a creative response to the changing social, political, cultural, and religious landscape in Luxembourg, a contribution to religious identities, responsible citizenship, social cohesion, and respect of diversity.
The LSRS develops its research and teaching activities mainly in two departments:
1) The Department Religion, Communication, Education works on the question how one can be(come) a religious person in our north-Atlantic, pluralist, secularized society, focusing on the transmission of faith between generations.
2) The Department of Public Responsibility works on the question how religions can make a contribution to ethical problems, namely in the context of peace building and finance.
Beyond its Academical programs, the LSRS develops specific offers of initial training, lifelong learning, and adult education for religious communities and other clients.