The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (LBI GMR) is an independent human rights research and training institution and acts as a human rights think-tank. The institute was founded in 1992 and is currently directed by Michael Lysander Fremuth (Scientific Director) and Patricia Mussi-Mailer.
The institute’s work is focused on human rights research on the national, European and the international level and aims at contributing to a just global society, in which every person can enjoy civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Founded on the concepts of freedom and equality, the principles of universality, indivisibility and interdependency of rights, of empowerment of right holders and accountability of duty bearers build the cornerstones for a human rights based approach in research.
As a consequence the Institute actively pursues multidimensional and interdisciplinary pathways towards human rights issues and promotes human rights research also at the university.
In light of the inseparable relation between standards and their implementation, it is the Institute's objective to offer a link between academic research and practitioners by following a translational research concept. Drawing on inputs and experiences of different groups of rightsholders as well as duty bearers we aim at developing action steps to enhance human wellbeing. Therefore, our work is devoted to both basic research and applied research.