Lucy Platforms developed a unique B2B e-trading platform specifically for the diamond industry, based on artificial intelligence (AI).
The unique platform is built to assist traders in creating, managing and scaling their online presence, with a sharp focus on user experience, big data analytics, and security.
Working closely with leading diamond companies, Lucy has created powerful online sales and management solutions.
Lucy Platforms developed 2 unique products:
Get Diamonds:
Get Diamonds is already the world’s largest B2B online platform for listing certified diamonds and searching for them. Backed and supported by the World Federation od Diamond Bourses (WFDB), the platform maintains the highest level of data encryption and powered by Lucy Platforms.
DPL™ (The New Diamond Price list)
the most transparent, objective, reliable, and accurate polished diamond price guide to hit the market in decades.
The DPL™, has been designed to enhance and make the pricing experience more efficient by using Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data science algorithms, with practically no human intervention. Utilizing these technical advancements ensures an optimized price list that reflects the market most accurately and objectively.
Our Mission:
Better trading help discover better diamonds.
That’s why we have developed our powerful technology that allows diamond and jewelry businesses to bring together everything required to drive their online sales, find new customers and manage their day-to-day. By creating a fully integrated suite of products for sellers, buyers and brokers we aim to improve online commerce for everyone. We believe the future of diamond and jewelry commerce is online, so we strive to bring the latest technology and empower the whole industry.