Lucky Plush Productions is an ensemble dance-theater company based in Chicago, led by founder and Artistic Director Julia Rhoads. The company is committed to provoking and supporting an immediacy of presence – a palpable live-ness – shared by performers in real time with audiences. Rhoads and her collaborators create work that is richly and uncompromisingly layered while remaining accessible to broad audiences. A unique hybrid of high-level dance and theater, Lucky Plush's work is often recognized for its complex choreography, surprising humor, moving narratives, and incisive commentary on contemporary culture.
Lucky Plush has premiered over 30 original works including 13 evening-length productions. In addition to performing regularly in Chicago, Lucky Plush maintains an active touring schedule, and has performed in over 50 venues nationally and internationally.
The company is a recipient of awards from National Endowment for the Arts, National Dance Project, National Performance Network, and Illinois Arts Council, among others, and commissioning partners include Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (MD), Flynn Center for the Performing Arts (VT), and Links Hall (IL).
Rhoads is the recipient of awards from the Herb Alpert Foundation, Maggie Alessee National Center for Choreography, Illinois Arts Council, and Chicago Dancemakers Forum.
Additionally, Lucky Plush spearheaded Creative Partners, a collaborative financial model that provides professional fundraising for Chicago arts organizations.