Louisiana High School Democrats

Political Organizations · 2 Employees
Email Address: ddua@lahsdems.com
Louisiana High School Democrats is the official Louisiana branch of the High School Democrats of America (HSDA), “a national political organization that serves as an entry point to Democratic politics for youth activists from across the country. Thousands of our members work at the state and local level to advance the ideals of the Democratic Party, engage fellow students to become active within the American political system, and elect Democratic candidates to public office.” Louisiana High School Democrats was Launched in 2013 By Frederick Bell who was approached by Aylon Berger about starting the Louisiana state chapter of High School Democrats of America. He quickly picked his Vice Chair Desmond LeBlanc, because they served together on the Louisiana Legislative Youth Advisory Council. Louisiana High School Democrats grew rapidly after its launch going from 1 school and 8 members to now over 12 schools and 140 members with the help of Frederick’s friend Desmond Leblanc he met from the Louisiana youth advisory council and who would also soon become the vice chair of the infant organization. In 2018 Louisiana was able to send its biggest delegation yet to the annual High School Democrats of America Summit in Washington D.C., where High School students are trained to become even better political activists when they come home with the training and resources that they need to be successful.
Year Founded
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Political Organizations
HQ Location
701 Government St Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
  • 701 Government St Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

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