Welcome to Lopez McHugh, LLP
When you purchase goods or services, especially medical devices and prescription drugs, you’d like to think the provider has your best interests at heart. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way.
The attorneys at Lopez McHugh are dedicated to standing up to companies that take advantage of consumers: the pharmaceutical giants that rush drugs to market with too little precaution against potentially deadly side effects; the insurance companies that wrongfully deny benefits; the auto manufacturers that put unsafe vehicles on our highways; and the manufacturers of defective medical devices that are aware of defects but fail to fix them.
Call us for a free case review. (877) 737-8525
Key Litigation Areas
While our practice includes many subjects and areas of litigation, our current areas of focus include:
Dangerous drugs
Defective devices
Consumer Fraud
Insurance Bad Faith
Medical Malpractice and Negligence
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Law Practice, Criminal Attorneys
HQ Location
1123 Admiral Peary Way
Quarters K
Philadelphia, PA 19112, US
Dangerous drugsDefective DevicesMedical malpracticeTestosterone TherapyVaginal MeshIVC FilterMirena IUDXarelto Internal BleedingStevens-Johnson SyndromeTransvaginal Mesh