Longan Agro Limited is a leading Agribusiness Company in Nigeria, offering a wide range of products and services in the Nigerian Agricultural sector employing innovative approach and technologies.
Current running project: The Longan Farm Hub
The Longan Farm Hub (Cluster Farming) creates real profit by merging several smallholder farms = Satellites attached to the Farm Hub, which is capable to share both the benefits as the burden.
The objective of the project is to enhance the incomes of participating farmers and the sustainability of the clusters by developing their marketing capacities and programs. By promoting a more market-oriented approach to production among cluster members, farmers will be able to produce the right varieties and quantities of products for pre-identified buyers with lessened risks of marketing failure. In turn, they will be able to enhance the quantity, quality and value of their products based on market needs. In the process, they will also be able to earn more financial rewards for their farming efforts. The clusters themselves will be able to generate revenues for their operations in exchange for providing marketing services to their members and/or engaging in profitable marketing operations themselves.