Loislaw.com provides comprehensive, affordable and easy-to-use legal and related information to lawyers and law firms over the Internet and on CD-ROM. They offer 1,300 databases that they estimate to contain over 5.5 million documents. These databases consist of federal and state law, continuing legal education materials and other legal information. They believe this is the largest collection of legal databases in hypertext mark-up language, or HTML, the standard format language used on the Internet. They offer powerful and intuitive search tools designed to make their information easily accessible and valuable to their users. Through LOIS LawWatch, they provide personalized, intelligent-searching software programs that automatically and continuously search their website and notify their users when new documents match their search criteria. Their news feeds provide more than 100,000 news articles a month from more than 400 domestic and international sources. Their legal information is available through their web site at loislaw.com for an annual subscription price.