Lócuston is a company specialized in the trade and distribution of perishable commodities. It was founded in order to promote and execute global procurement to provide year around supplies.
In order to be a true global provider we formed a great consortium of companies that are the best in its business segment from Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, France, Italy and the USA.
We at Locuston are proud to work for such select and well distinguished companies.
In order to bring additional value to our customers and to amplify the range of products we offer we have invited a very reputable and selective group of companies to joint forces with us. These are companies that share the same basic principals that we believe in: business tradition, quality product, food safety, environmental and social responsibility, and customer service excellence.
Our ambition is promote these companies and their products as good as proudly as we do our own. Together we have enhanced our existing assortment and availability and that ultimately gives our customers the ability to source a much larger range of products knowing that the quality and services will be delivered with the same undertaking as they are accustomed to.
Together they enable us to offer six main categories of produce on a whole year around basis. These six main categories are: Apples, Pears, Stones fruits (Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Cherries) Grapes, kiwis and Citrus.
We can also take advantage of our associates great network and procure to order satisfying our customers especial demands and needs at any time.