Kerala State has 941 Gram Panchayats, 152 Block Panchayats, 14 District Panchayats, 87 Municipalities and 6 Corporations. Consequent to the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution, the three-tier system came into existence in India . In Kerala, Local Self-Government Institutions have been meaningfully empowered through massive transfer of resources as well as administrative powers. Local self-government Institutions have emerged as effective agencies for the implementation of developmental programs. Developmental programs are identified and implemented through Gram Sabhas. With the decentralization of power, Local administration department has gained an important role in the formulation and implementation of developmental works at the grass-root level. Today Panchayat Directorate, Directorate of Urban Affairs, Commissionerate of Rural Development and Town and Country Planning Department are the major allied departments of Local Administration. Related to local administration activities, there are different allied institutions and training centers under LSGD. As per the Government Order (MS) 97/2011/LSGD, Panchayat Department, Urban Affairs Department, and Commissionerate of Rural Development are under the control of three ministers.