Living Machine Systems, L3C, is a social benefit corporation (B-Corp) based in Charlottesville, Va., which designs and markets Living Machine ecological water reuse systems. The Living Machine trademark is owned by Dharma Group, LC, the parent company of Worrell Water Technologies and Living Machine Systems, L3C.
The Living Machine® system is an ecological wastewater treatment and reuse technology which turns both blackwater and greywater into high quality, reusable water for non-potable (non-drinking) uses. Taking the principles of wetland ecology and applying a patented tidal process using the latest technologies and engineering, the Living Machine® system is the most energy efficient system to meet high quality reuse standards.
The Living Machine® system incorporates a series of wetland cells, or basins, that are filled with plants and specially-engineered gravel, which promotes the development of micro ecosystems. As water moves through the system, the cells are alternately flooded and drained to create multiple tidal cycles each day, resulting in high quality reusable water.
From Ghana to San Francisco, from schools and office buildings to hotels, the Living Machine® has been installed in nearly 30 locations around the world.