Movement is key to optimal living, but a dysfunctional nervous system from imbalanced muscle engagement, reduced circulation, and joint misalignement can compromise the quality of life we experience on a daily basis. The Chiropractors and Massage Therapists at Life Moves MT understand the importance of keeping our bodies balanced and in tune in order to sustain our quality of life. Your Life Moves MT practitioner will work to rehabilitate soft-tissue injuries & postural deviations, maintain spine health, functional movement & full range-of-motion, and increase blood & lymph circulation.
At Life Moves MT, we provide a unique, effective, and efficient approach to chiropractic care. Each chiropractic session lasts 30-45min and includes a massage therapist layering in soft-tissue work in between the adjustments made by the chiropractor. Utilizing movement, stretching, and a longer session, we notice that we can create more change for our clients each time they come in, resulting in less frequent sessions needed.
We support health and wellness in our community through meaningful and accessible body care education. Our corporate workshops and body care classes simplify physical self care know how and provide tools which can be immediately utilized to combat stress, increase productivity, reduce everyday aches & pains, and prevent injury.