LiGHT-FiSH is an innovative Product Design and Video Animation company. Created in 2009 by brothers Samvit and Rishi, LiGHT-FiSH offers design and product animation services. We conceptualize and evaluate ideas, making them tangible through sketching, 3D modeling, rendering and prototyping. Products are designed in a systematic approach, bringing them from a rough concept to a final model ready for production. Our products are minimalist, durable, practical and environmentally sound. Our 3D Product animations illustrate the functionality of our clients’ products. Our experience in product design enables us to quickly understand the unique features of our clients’ products. For each product, we develop an efficient work flow that ensures clear communication between our clients and our production staff. Sustainability is considered in all of LiGHT-FiSH’s designs through the materials used, the means of fabrication and the consumer usage.