Maybe the term housefile is completely new to you, perhaps PPC, SEM and SEO are nothing more than a jumble of letters. It may be that you already mail but can’t understand why your catalog isn’t more profitable. We assist brands bridging the gap between print and digital marketing to build a more holistic, impactful, and comprehensive marketing strategy.
Lett Direct, Inc. is a consulting firm specializing in direct mail, catalog and digital marketing services. We focus on circulation planning, demand forecasting, plan execution and analysis for mailers. On the web, we focus on website optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) management, Social Media Marketing (SMM) as well as attribution analysis and modeling.
Our mission is to help grow catalog and eCommerce companies profitably, while providing the highest possible level of customer service and performance. Lett’s connect and see if we can help you!
Advertising Services, E-Mail Services, Addressing & Mailing Services, Mail Services, Services, Internet Streaming Audio, Computer & Internet Services
HQ Location
7711 Hoiles Drive NW
Williamsburg, MI 49690, US
Catalog Circulation PlanningCatalog Circulation ExecutioCatalog Circulation AnalysisSearch Engine OptimizatioPay-Per-Click ManagementEmail MarketingList BrokerageAttribution Modeling & Analysis