Legacy Foundation is a non-profit (501c3) organization established in 1999. Legacy Foundation’s mission is to promote sustainable human development and preserve our environment through the integration of technology innovation, media, and management.
Working in cooperation with over 60 NGO groups worldwide, LF supports development and extension of low cost biomass briquette-making technology for small-scale entrepreneurs and community groups. The organization’s primary focus is to support local groups, especially women’s groups, to become totally self sufficient in the briquette production activities – increasing income while saving time and labour. In the same context, briquette production conserves the environment through less dependence on fuel wood for cooking and/or heating.
LF is currently working with current, active associate briquette projects in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Haiti, Nepal, Cambodia, China, Mexico, India, Iraq, Slovenia, Hungary, Fiji, Nepal and most recently in Guatemala providing comprehensive training, online technical assistance, encouragement and networking connections.