Lee Law Firm (www.llf.com.hk) is an independent, mid-sized Hong Kong boutique law firm servicing a diverse range of clients, from listed companies, privately-owned corporates from the DACH region and financial institutions to start-ups and UNHWI clients, in Hong Kong, Europe, and the US. Our multilingual legal team (Cantonese, English, French, German, Korean, Mandarin) consists of 8 lawyers and 5 paralegals with a strong Legal & Financial Services background. We can also leverage our network partner, offering global Legal, Tax, Audit & Consulting advice with its 107 offices in 50 countries to complement our expertise. Our firm's practice mainly covers Mergers & Acquisitions, Arbitration, Restructuring & Insolvency, Corporate & Commercial, Civil Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Employment Law, and Matrimonial Law. Another strong focus of our work is on Cyber Crime, particularly on APP scams, CEO-, Payment Diversion, and Investment Fraud. We have successfully acted in numerous fraud cases for international corporate & individual clients and achieved extremely high recovery rates.
We have also been cooperating successfully with the Austrian Trade Commission in Hong Kong for many years. Lee Law Firm is also a member of GPSA, (www.gpsa-international.com), a global professional service alliance of lawyers, consultants, and tax advisory professionals, operating in 93 countries.
HQ Location
28 Marble Road
Room 2005-11, 20th Floor, China United Centre,
North Point, Eastern Hong Kong Island, HK
LitigationCEO FraudPayment Diversion FraudCyber CrimeDispute ResolutionM&AMergers & AcquisitionsCorporate LawCommercial LawInsolvency Law