LTS is dedicated to helping Training Offices and Students alike. LTS provides training offices with cutting edge online assessment solutions, combined with old school support. We help thousands of trainees in hundreds of growing training sites across Southern Africa.
What started as a small software project grew into a “Software as a Service” (SaaS) company. This changed the assessment landscape in South Africa forever. Learner Tracking Systems (or LTS to the market) was established in 2004 when SAICA (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants) piloted their trainee outcomes based assessment program. Not only do LTS meet the assessment needs of more than 50% of all SAICA registered trainees, but LTS also provide the audit, financial and accounting industry with Assessment Tools that include other learnerships and staff performance.It was always the LTS vision to continue to be the preferred provider of on-line assessment solutions through offering cost-effective products and efficient, high-quality service to their clients.