We help you create courageous leaders and teams by placing them in participant-driven experiences without wasting time and money so they create impact from learning.
We get it - we’re different. We believe training is broken because it fails to create ownership and change in leaders and teams.
Participant-driven experiences putt participants in the driver's seat. Participants control the experience, they choose how to alter mindset, action and impact.
Leaders and teams get supported to achieve their most important business impact. Your people know how.
We won’t make you read the university papers, visit the labs or study the brain scans. We’ve done the work for you.
The bottom line is that participant-driven learning achieves much more than any other form of learning. Just as you learn to cook by cooking, you also learn to think by thinking, solve problems by solving problems, face challenges by facing challenges, and collaborate by collaborating.
People can't be told. When they create the outcome, they own the outcome.
Learning is a naturally social and emotional activity. People retain most when working together. That isn’t just rah-rah talk: it’s the same fact in every relevant study of the learning brain. It’s a truth that resides at the heart of change. And it’s how our clients achieved $750 billion in proven impact.
Participant-driven designs are what you need to create the conditions for development, performance and mental fitness. People thrive in our unique immersive experiences - most start with Save the Titanic or Orchestrate Impact to create the lasting change they seek. Participants then prove that investing in them yields returns.
Find out what your people can do. Let your team show you their next level. That’s where we come in.
We support your leaders and teams so they achieve inspiring impact.