Le Scarf is a Cape Town brand that offers local, authentic, original media creations and real-life experiences.
We want to lock horns with life so that you can too.
Le Scarf’s first creative project, Le Blogue, is a 24-page PRINTED booklet filled with in-house internet content. Each article selected for Le Blogue is gifted the opportunity to experience the world without ever bumping into a digital algorithm.
You’ll notice our website is just a landing page. All of our written content lives on Substack. Why? Reading requires reading, and Substack offers YOU a great reading experience.
If you can’t get your hands on a physical copy of Le Blogue, we’ll send a digital copy straight to your inbox.
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To sponsor the AnalogueBlog, please email lescarfza@gmail.com
#SoThatYouCanToo #AnalogueBlog #LeScarf