Le Chéile Mentoring specializes in Civic and Social Organizations with 11 employees
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About Le Chéile Mentoring
Le Chéile Mentoring is a national organisation which works to make positive changes in the lives of young people who offend and their families, through the provision of mentoring, family support and restorative justice services. We provide tailored and flexible services with young people at the core. We work in partnership with the Probation Service and other agencies to reduce the level of crime in the community.
Established in 2005 in North County Dublin, we were set up to fulfil the requirements of the Mentor (Family Support) Order of the Children Act 2001, to provide mentoring services to children under the age of 18 who are involved with the Probation Service. In 2008, Le Chéile expanded our service to work with parents or carers of young people who offend. We provide a range of family support services to the family of the young person, including parent mentoring, parenting programmes and individualised family support interventions - all designed to meet each family’s needs.
Le Chéile Mentoring is an NGO, governed by a Board of Directors, and is structured as a company limited by guarantee and registered with the Charity Regulator.
Le Chéile is funded by the Department of Justice through the Probation Service. Our Restorative Justice Project receives funding from the Probation Service and Limerick City and County Council.
RCN 20066000